22 Gray Court
Adelaide, SA 5000

Adelaide Business Hub
PO Box 10159, Gouger Street
Adelaide, SA 5000

(08) 8212 3557


South Australian Philatelic Council - Logo


Australian Collector’s Guide

The Australian Collector’s Guide provides basic information and commonly used words for collectors of stamps, coins, postcards and banknotes. It provides an excellent introduction to the basics of collecting and terms collectors will come across. Copyright 2017 Johanna Stafford. Used with permission of the author.

Click here to download the guide

Australian Philatelic Federation Series

The APF has produced a series of information brochures designed to provide the “not so serious” collector and other first time stamp enthusiasts with some pointers about stamps and stamp collections. Each is available in a convenient downloadable pdf format; simply click on them to download the topic that interests you.

Click here to view the brochures

YouTube Videos